Kayla Hanley

Kayla Hanley

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There's A Website That Warns You If A Dog Dies In A Movie

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Dogs have played pivotal roles in lots of movies and sometimes the dog doesn't make it to the end of the film. If you are one of those that can't handle a dog dying in a movie, there's a website that will warn you about the dog dying in the movie. 

The site, Does The Dog Die, gives spoilers for movies, TV, books, and more for those that don't want to see their favorite canine go to heaven.

And if you're thinking about other animals there are also categories for horses, cats, and other animals. 

The site is also updated with other scenarios that you may not want to see in a movie. 


Premiere Of 20th Century Fox's "Marley & Me" - Arrivals

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