I do … want a pre-nup. A new study found that more and more people are requesting pre-nups before marrying – particularly Millennials. The study, by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), found that 62 percent of divorce attorneys surveyed reported an increase in the number of clients requesting pre-nups in recent years. 51 percent said they saw an increase in the number of Millennials signing pre-nups.
“Members of the Millennial generation are particularly choosing pre-nups as the best option to cover separate property holdings, business interests, anticipated family inheritances, and potential alimony claims,” said Joslin Davis, president of the AAML.
Why the increase in pre-nups? Basically, people are waiting longer to get married – and because they are older before tying the knot, they have more assets to protect. (The Ladders)
Is multi-tasking making you fat? A new study found that media multi-tasking – switching between your phone, watch, tablet, laptop, TV and more – is linked to a risk of obesity. Researchers from Rice University say that mindless switching between devices makes you more susceptible to food temptations and a lack of self-control -- which could contribute to weight gain. (News.Rice.edu)
How much coffee do you drink a day?According to research, the average American drinks 3 cups of coffee a day. Drink more than that? The FDA recommends no more than four to five cups a day for the average healthy adult. More than that could cause things like anxiety, increased heart rate and trouble sleeping. (Business Insider)
Speaking of coffee …We like it. We like it a lot. And we’re willing to pay for it. According to data from the National Coffee Association, the number of Americans drinking at least one cup of coffee a day is the highest it’s been in six years. And it’s not just a cup o’ regular joe that people are drinking. Last year saw the biggest jump in espresso-based drinks, with 24 percent said they had had an espresso drink in the last day. Specialty coffees, like lattes and cappuccinos ordered from coffee shops, grew by 5 percent in the last year … while consumption of regular coffee dropped by 3 percent.
And bring on the cold brew … Total U.S. retail sales of cold brew coffee grew 460% from 2015 to 2017 alone. (Market Watch)