Kid Rock's Honky Tonk Bar and Steakhouse is now open, and the sign he wants to construct is generating discussion.
Right now, a rendering of the sign is hanging in the windows of the bar. The sign shows a donkey, hat and a guitar that doubles as a body part.
Metro Council votes on the sign at its first meeting of the year tonight. It couldn't vote on the content of the sign, just the aerial encroachment.
Three council members voted against the sign and an aerial encroachment is a sign that hangs over a public right-of-way, like a sidewalk. It's procedure that Metro Council must vote if the owners have proven they will safely construct and hang the sign.
All signs on Broadway that hang over the sidewalk must be approved. The owners of Kid Rock's bar have the proper paperwork.
Some council members have called it tacky and in bad taste. However, unless it's obscene they had to pass the sign or chance encroaching on Kid Rock's First Amendment rights.
Brian Lewis, attorneys for the bar owners said, "No comment at this point but we hope the council does the right thing tonight and approve the sign."
Nashville Mayor David Briley also had no comment.