Join The 92.3 WCOL Bowling League

Dates: Tuesday 2/18/20- Tuesday 5/12/20

Place: Columbus Square Bowling Palace

Time: 630pm Each Tuesday Night

Format: 4 person teams for 2x Games each Tuesday , full handicap kept for all

Cost: $10.00 per person, per week, covers 2x Games and Shoe Rental

Winners: 1st Place Team gets 2x Tickets to each team member for Buckeye Country Super Fest at Ohio Stadium June 20, 2020

Giveaways: Each Week from WCOL-FM Woody, Kayla, and Zuko 

50-50 Draw: $1 per ticket each week, 50% of Pot to Nightly winner, 50% to league party final night

To sign up please email

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