Halloween 2018 is nearly upon us and we’re busy figuring out how basic Cbusers are going to be with their costumes.
In a word: Very.
According to Google Trends, of people in Columbus who Googled “Halloween costume,” the most-popular related topics included:
- #1 Deer
- #3 Dinosaur
- #4 Eleven from “Stranger Things”
And one of the top related queries for people in Columbus who Googled “Halloween costumes” was “sexy Halloween costume.”
People in Columbus were also interested in Fortnite, Lebron James, and Kim Kardashian costumes.
As a whole, the state of Ohio seems to be feeling a little more ambitious this spooky szn.
Of people in Ohio who Googled “Halloween costume,” the most-popular related topics included:
- #1 Bob Ross
- #2 Willy Wonka
- #4 “The Incredibles”
- #5 Thanos