Say it with a GIF. A new survey has found that Millennials communicate best with GIFs and emojis. In the survey, 36% of Millennials said using emojis and GIFs help them to communicate their feelings and thoughts better than words do. (WIVB-TV)
Hit the road. If you want to maximize your weight loss while doing your cardio, ditch the treadmill and start running outside. Researchers found that running outside burns 15% more calories than running on a treadmill. This number jumps even more when there are hills and wind to deal with outside. If you can’t run outside – or really love your treadmill – you can make up the difference in calories burned by turning up the speed 15%. (Daily Mail)
Sticky fingers. A new survey from the National Retail Federation says that people are shoplifting more than ever. In 2016, the rate of "shrinkage" – or inventory that goes missing for any reason – increased to 1.44% of all sales. That’s a total of almost 49 billion dollars’ worth of merchandise. Both shoplifters and employees stealing stuff while on the job make up the majority of this shrinkage. (Consumerist)
We recently shared with you that most people on social media are irritated by your vacation photos. Well, here’s another reason to hold off on posting those vacation pics … at least until you get back. According to a study by a UK based insurance company, posting vacation photos while you are still on your trip increases your chances of getting robbed. Potential criminals are on the lookout for unoccupied houses. When you post photos while you are on vacation you are basically advertising that your house is empty. If you want to post vacation photos and you don’t want to wait until you get home, make sure you aren’t using the geotag feature and you don’t comment about currently being away. (Pop Sugar)
Now you know … Believe it or not, that tiny little pocket in your jeans actually has a purpose – or it did back in the late 1800s. The very first jeans created by Levi Strauss & Co. dated back to 1879, and they were used primarily by laborers because of the sturdy fabric. That small pocket was actually meant to hold and protect a pocket watch. The design was so popular it stuck around. (Today)
Smart people live longer. A new study has found that a high IQ in childhood results in a 28% reduced risk of dying from respiratory disease, a 25% lower risk of death from heart disease and a 24% reduced risk of death from stroke. And the smarter you are, the less likely you are to die from injuries, smoking-related cancers (particularly lung and stomach), digestive disease and dementia. Turns out, intelligence has a direct link with a healthier lifestyle – which means a longer life. (Consumer)