The pediatrician’s waiting room - Even when your little one is hacking and feverish, they still want to touch every truck, puzzle piece, and toy in the waiting room, and maybe even put them in their mouths.
Ball pits - These are known for being dirtier than a toilet seat, so remember that next time your kid jumps in face first.
Your sink - Get this: the kitchen sink has 1,000 times more illness-causing microbes than a toilet bowl.
Classrooms - This is the germiest place in the whole school, especially the water fountain spigot. Next time you want to do something nice for your kid’s class, buy them some more Clorox wipes!
Car seats - Researchers at the University of Birmingham found “an average of 100 dangerous bacteria per square centimeter of car seat,” which is more than double what they found on toilets.
Your floor - A few of the toxins typically found on the bottom of our shoes include pesticides, fecal bacteria, and gasoline. And a baby crawling on the floor might put her hand in her mouth as many as 80 times an hour.
Source PureWow