Total Randoms: Bad Boss makes You Happier & Most believe in Love at First Sight


  • 18-year-old Becca Longo of Chandler, Arizona, just made history … She just signed a letter of intent to play football at Adams State University in Colorado, making her the first woman to get an NCAA scholarship at the Division II level or higher. Longo will also be playing basketball for Adams State’s women's team. (Glamour)  
  • According to a new British survey, one in 10 women admit they fake it at least once a week. Reasons included boredom, taking too long, or feeling bad for their partner. (Vice)         
  • 71% of men and 62% of women say they believe in love at first sight, according to a survey by Elite Singles. (Bustle)         

  • A neuroscientist from the University of Oxford believes that "love drugs" will soon prevent breakups … by stopping people from falling out love. (Broadly)      
  • According to a new study, working for a bad boss can make you happier.Huh? Apparently, having a terrible supervisor motivates people to make positive changes (like getting a new job?), which can often increase happiness in the end. (Health)          

  • Haagen-Daz wants to save the bees … so they’re giving away free ice cream to do it. On May 9th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Haagen-Dazs is giving away a free scoop of ice cream or sorbet at their ice cream shops. According to a press release, all they ask is that you "pay it forward by planting wildflowers native to [your] region to help keep bees buzzing." A spokesperson for Haagen-Dazs explains that one third of their flavors are dependent on bees, and the cause is an important one for them. (Today)  

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