What?! School Tells 8 Year Old Girl, "No Daddy, No Dance"

When Trisha Palacios learned her 8-year-old daughter, Alyssa, wouldn’t be allowed to attend her school’s daddy-daughter dance, she was devastated. 

Alyssa is a second grader in Clearwater., FL  Her father was deported from the country when she was she was a baby.  So, there is no daddy in the picture.

Trisha spent days trying to find a male family friend to take Alyssa to the dance, and when she couldn’t find one who was available, she decided she would take her.  But, a staff member at the school told her that was not going to happen.  What would you have done? I probably would've tried the same thing if I couldn't find a family member or friend.  Sad either way...

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