What People Plan To Do Because Of The Coronavirus

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A new "USA Today" poll asked folks what precautions they plan to take and you may be surprised by some of the answers.

  • 59% say they plan to wash their hands more frequently.
  • 25% will stop attending social events.
  • 18% will move from shopping in store to online.
  • 17% are canceling a personal trip.
  • 13% will consider delaying a major purchase/spending.
  • 12% are starting a rainy-day fund.
  • 7% will stop attending religious services.
  • 6% will make changes to their 401K account.
  • 5% will cancel a business trip.
  • 30% none of the above.

As for what the government should be doing to help stop the spread

  • 90% say diagnostic tests for coronavirus should be widely available.
  • Three-fourths are for mandatory quarantines for people coming from China, South Korea, Iran and Italy.
  • Two-thirds are for the passage of legislations to provide paid sick leaves to workers.
  • 39% of people support the canceling of large-scale events, although another 29% are against it. 

Source:USA Today

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