Honor Flight of Columbus by Schoedinger

Join Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Service & iHeart Columbus in backing Honor Flight of Columbus to raise money to send our veterans to Washington. Our goals: to raise $65,000, which is the cost per flight and to send as many WWII, Korean and Vietnam Vets as possible. This fundraising campaign is not directed at one particular flight but to raise money toward all flights. The next scheduled flights are September 8th, September 29th and October 20th. 

You can help us find our cherished senior veterans from World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. You can volunteer by helping raise awareness or preparing for our missions. You can donate, it takes money. Honor Flight is funded entirely by grateful Americans and businesses. 

We ask you to support Honor Flight, a celebration of true heroes. We owe these veterans this token of appreciation.

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