The Randoms-# of Hours to become BFF's, Top Way a Job is Filled

One size doesn't fit all … When it comes to clothes, are you a small? Medium? Large? It often depends on where you're shopping. According to a survey of women by the Todayshow, 71 percent of respondents said their size varies between fashion brands. 29 percent said their size is always the same. The same survey found that 65 percent of respondents said their life would be better if they lost weight and 65 percent of the women surveyed also admitted they hang on to clothes that are too small for them … because they hope they'll fit into them someday.


How long does it take to make a BFF? A new study broke it down by the exact number of hours. The University of Kansas study found that for someone to move from an acquaintance to a casual friend you have to spend about 50 hours together. To move from casual friend to friend, you’ll have to spend 90 hours together. But for a friend to move into BFF territory, you need to spend more than 200 hours together. (College Candy)


It's who you know … According to a new survey, 85 percent of all jobs are filled because of networking. That means, people who reach out and maintain personal relationships have a huge advantage over those who ignore their networks. And, all this networking is much more effective when it's done during good times. Waiting until disaster strikes to go out looking for favors just doesn't work. (LinkedIn)


A lot of American Millennials think home ownership is out of reach. According to a study by, 70 percent of respondents say they would have a hard time qualifying for a mortgage, 52 percent said they didn’t have enough savings for a down payment, and 9 percent said they have already given up hope of ever owning their own home.  And the near future doesn’t look any brighter … 48 percent said they had no reason to think their situation would change for the better in the next three years. Then again, hope springs eternal … 68 percent said they believe they will eventually own a home. (NY Post)

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